Kell Tremayne

Kell is a bit of a natural – a naturally hard worker when he has a goal in mind.

This has led Kell to many successes -   as an athlete and academic University medallist, performance is something Kell not only researches and studies but something in which he has plenty of first-hand experience.

When you ask him what brought him to an interest in Time Management Kell responds,

So what’s a guy like me doing in a place like this you ask?

Well – sometimes performance isn’t all it’s cracked up to be – I noticed that my own performance was tightly connected to my levels of motivation and direction – and that sometimes I would sit in front of a computer for an hour to deliver one sentence and other times the words would simply flow onto the page as if they had a life of their own.

I realized that if I could harness this knowledge I could make my road to sustainable high performance a lot less grunt and a lot more joy. The good news is – it works!

Kell’s passion for enabling other people to get more out of their day and their life is thus rooted in his own experience. Now with a PhD in psychology specializing in elite performance, Kell has confirmed his reflections and knows top performance only happens when people have clarity of vision on those things that matter most. Excellence in execution follows.

Kell has brought these insights to surgeons under time pressure to complete the job before the anaesthetic wears off; bankers who have to tune out the white noise and focus on their big ticket deals; lawyers who have to think logically under intense pressure; Olympic gold medallists who have to manage the pressure, expectations, and intensity of competition, and knowledge workers who have to deal with information overload, 100s of emails and feeling stretched and overwhelmed.

Kell’s experience in these diverse environments has shown that establishing clarity of purpose in conjunction with highly effective time management practices is the key to resilience in both individuals and businesses.

In academic settings Kell regularly lectures at Western Sydney University – and recently was awarded the Outstanding Lecturer of the Year for 2015 by the Australian Psychology Society.

› Kell Tremayne

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