In one of your organizing tips you mention that it is important to know what you are making room for. However, I find that that having a vision of what I would like does not work for me.
What I like to do is to gather the magazines that have been collecting dust and to do a collage exercise.
What I do is look at all the photographs in the magazines. I cut out what I like and then stick them on a poster board in what is a pretty creative exercise.
What I have found is that I like certain colors and designs, and artwork that has a more colorful look to it.
Kell's reply: Hi Carolyn, What a great organizing tip. I was at a speaking engagement the other night in which an Olympic athlete was talking about goal setting and ways to activate the right side of the brain.
The collage exercise that you are describing is very similar to the collage exercise that he developed for the type of athlete he wanted to be.
He found that developing the collage was both inspirational and motivated him to be the best athlete that he could be.
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