Is it time well spent? The relationship between time mangament behaviours, perceived effectiveness and work-related morale and distress in a university context.
By Hugh Kearns and Maria Gardiner of Flinders University, Adelaide, SA, Australia;
Published in Higher Education Research & Development, Vol 26(2), Jun 2007. pp. 235-247.
(from the Journal Abstract) Despite the high 'guru-factor' in time management, few claims have been subjected to empirical investigation. This study tests the claims that people who manage their time well perceive themselves to be more effective and feel less stressed.
University staff and students were utilized to investigate the relationship between time management related behaviours, perceived effectiveness, and work-related morale and distress.
Results suggested a hierarchy of time management behaviours. Having a clear sense of career purpose was most important for perceived effectiveness at work, followed by planning and prioritizing. This study has significant practical implications for staff and students.
If the aim of using time management strategies is to improve performance and reduce stress, people need to learn to identify the purpose in their career, then plan their time accordingly, rather than tidying desks and hanging 'do not disturb' signs on doors.
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