Time Management WorkshopsTime management workshops can be a great way to increase you and your team's productivity. Learning time management skills reduces stress and increases the time you spend on high impact activities. Lets face it, life can get overwhelming....stressful....chaotic! It can be hard to focus on your high value activities when you are putting our fires. Do you feel pressured by a lack of time? Are you faced with a sea of emails everyday? Do you want to spend more time on your high value activities? If so, then a time management workshop could be beneficial for you and your team.
What does a good workshop on time management give you?Learning time management skills enables you and your employees to clarify and execute your top priorities, both personally and professionally. According to an Ernst and Young report, 66% of corporate strategy is never executed. This is because daily tasks are not aligned with our personal, divisional, or company goals. In the time management workshops that we have given we receive feedback that employees gain an extra 2 hours per day on their high impact activities! It is great that employees know that the will reach their KPI's and achieve their targets as a result of putting into practice the time management skills they learn. But we often hear stories from managers and executives that that they live a life with less stress and get to spend more time with their family and friends. Learning time management skills not only provides you with the tools to increase personal and professional productivity, it also develops strategies for balancing work and family. What you can expect from a good time management workshops is:
BUT a time management workshop only takes you so far! You actually need to do the work and change your effectiveness habits. Improving your personal time management is about changing your self management habits to be more effective. Research shows that it takes 21 days to change a habit. So as the saying goes "you get out of it what you put in" is true of any good time management workshop. A workshop should also provide you with many time management tips and tricks on how to make your time management system more productive for you. For example, in workshops that I have conducted, many executives and managers use Microsoft Outlook. In the workshop they learn how Microsoft Outlook can be more productive for them. Tips on time management and workflow management include:
This stops people living in their Inbox gets people to prioritize their tasks, appointments, and meetings based on their highest value activities. Learning time management skills should give you time management tools to remain focussed every day with a reliable planning system that integrates different tools such as paper planning or Outlook. This planning system should be based on your personal preference or work design. By clarifying, focusing on, and executing your highest priorities, both personally and professionally, you live a life of stress-free productivity.
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