Success in life (with goals or time management?)

How do you measure success in life?

What is the easiest way to attain success in life?

I checked through the net and there are always people trying to sell get rich schemes etc - I just want an honest answer!


Kell's reply:

Hi Jay,

For me the most honest answer to success in life is your level happiness and what you contribute/give back to your friends, family, and community.

To me a successful person, whether rich or poor, is one who is happy doing what they do in their life.

Of course this is different for different people.

The question then becomes what are the things that make us happy.

Without going to much into this topic (because there are people who may have different views of success) I think that the surest way to happiness is:

  • to have a set of clear values

  • ensure your goals aligned with those values

  • each and every day take small steps to achieve your goals.

To set about practically doing this what is best for me is to:

  1. Develop a clear vision or a long-term perspective.

    Try these goal setting activities to work on this.

  2. Look to set goals in the different areas of your life. This could be in areas such as:

  3. setting financial goals

  4. working on your career goal setting

  5. clarify your family goal setting

  6. or embarking on fitness goal setting.

  7. The important thing is to be balanced in your goal setting.

  8. Since it is often very difficult to go for several goals at once, look to prioritize your goals in order of importance. This goal setting activity may be useful.

  9. Use SMART goal setting techniques to maximize your success in achieving your goals.

  10. Put these short term SMART goals into an action plan so that you can identify the objectives and the resources to reach your short term goals.

  11. These can then be put into your daily to-do list.

  12. For me, the mapping of long-term goals (which reflect your values) into a daily set of tasks means that you instill daily habits of success and happiness.

    I wish you the best in the pursuit of happiness and success.


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