Time Management for TeensTime management for teens is critical. Lets face it...you do alot and you probably feel like there isn't enough time to do all that you want to do. Well time management for teens will help you out. Teenagers have never been busier. Everyday I see teenagers who are juggling their school activities with sport, part-time work, and homework. On top of that you have chores to do and a social life to manage. Here we give you time management tips that you can use today. It won't be easy, but these time management skills will pack more into your life.
I know when I was a teenager I was a great procrastinator. I used to leave my homework to the last minute...in fact everything was last minute - I think I lived on adrenaline! But I finally realized that leaving everything to the last minute was hurting only me - my grades weren't good , I was cramming the night before, and I was stressed out. If this sounds like you, then procrastination can be causing you stress. If you leave things to the last minute then beat procrastination with these time management for teens procrastination busters.
When I used to go traveling I used to just throw everything into my bag - and most of the time I couldn't fit it all in. Then Penny, my partner, said "look, you'll get more in if you fold your clothes" And sure enough, she was right. It got me thinking that this is the same with organization. If you are organized then you can fit more into your life. Being organized will save you time and reduce your stress - both good things huh... By being organized, doing homework at the last minute will be a distant thing of the past. You'll be able to find things and stay on top of what is most important to you.
If I told you that if you spent 15 minutes each week doing an activity that saved you hours of time and reduced your stress, would you do it? Each Sunday night spend 15 minutes a week to plan your week. Think of all your activities and then write them down into a weekly planner. Think about what are your most important tasks (they are the big rocks of your life). This might be studying for your maths test, exercising 3 times a week or relaxing. Write them down in you weekly planner. Also put any classes or work activities that you may have. Having your activities on paper and out of your head is a good thing. Try to block out time for those big rock activities which are important to you. This is not only a great time management for teens tip but is something that adults use for balancing work and family.
What are the big rocks of your life - these are those things that matter most to you. One way to think of this is the different roles that you have in your life - your role as a student, a friend a family member an individual - and whatever else is an important role in your life. Knowing what matters most to you is important. If you don't know what is important then it is hard to prioritize what to do in your life.Here's a time management activity for you to do that is good if:
Write down all your activities that you need to do today. Now for each activity put an A, B or C. A is "really important", B is "less important" and C is "not important". All done? Once you are done, choose your most important "A" task, and set out on doing that until you have completed it. Once you have completed the most important task give it a big tick and congratulate yourself that you have done the most important task today. Now move onto the second task and so forth. This is an awesome way to help get things done and it will help you to manage your school work and all the other things that you need to get done. See if you can do it each day! I find this a great time management tip to ensure that I focus on the family rather than get bogged down by less important things. Have A Great Time Mangement Tip for Teens?Do you have a time management tip for teenagers? Share it! What Other Visitors Have SaidClick below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
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